Because nutrition is key to health and performance, it will be one cornerstone of our courses. Several modules will be available
▫️ ▫️ ▫️
🟠 NUTRITION Module 1 (10h)
🔺Course 1 : Sport Nutrition – Very simple, but highly complex !
This course was given on the 3rd of October 2022, 5:00 – 7:30 pm.
▪️From nutrients to ATP
▪️Aerobic vs anaerobic
🔺Course 2 : The nutrients
This course was given on the 10th of October 2022, 5:00 – 7:30 pm.
🔹 Usefulness of Nutrients :
▪️Carbohydrates ;
▪️Lipids ;
▪️Proteins ;
▪️Minerals ;
🔺Course 3 : Hydration
This course was given on the 17th of October 2022, 5:00 – 7:30 pm.
🔹Cell homeostasis
🔺Course 4 : Nutrition before, during, after exercise
This course was given on the 24th October 2022, 5:00 – 7:30 pm.
🔹How to fuel your body ?
▪️Before exercise ;
▪️During Exercise ;
▪️After Exercise.
💡 Good to know :
▫️Venues are in Cape Town.
▫️Possibility to follow the live online (with Discord).
▫️For the students registered in our academy, you would benefit to a permanent access to our Replays (YouTube page / WTS Academy – Play list)
🟠 NUTRITION Module 2 (10h)
🔺JANVIER 2023 (schedule is coming soon) – 4 courses
🔹 Glucose metabolism
▪️What is Glycaemia ?
▪️Glycaemia regulation
🔹 Lipid metabolism
🔹 Protein metabolism
▪️Muscle metabolism
🔹 How to fuel you body ?
▪️For Training
▪️For Racing
▪️For Long distance racing (ultra)
▪️For Well being
🔹 Ergogen use in sport
▪️Creatine, BCAA, glutamine…
▫️Duration : 10 hours Start – January 2023
🟠 NUTRITION Module 3 (10h)
🔺APRIL 2023 (schedule is coming soon) – 4 courses
🔹 The quest of peak body weight
▪️ Metabolism, fat mass, muscle mass …
▪️ How to lose weight ?
▪️ How to gain weight ?
🔹 Specific populations
▪️ Kids and teens
▪️ Female athletes
▪️ Master athletes
🔹 Case studies
▪️ The Tour de France, and
Cape Epic MTB stage race
▪️ The VendĆ©e Globe Sailing race,
with Alexia Barrier
▪️ Team sports
▫️Duration : 10 hours – Start April 2023
🟠 NUTRITION Module 4 (10h)
🔺JULY 2023 (schedule is coming soon) – 4 courses
🔹 Injury prevention
▪️ Tendons
▪️ Muscles
🔹 Disease prevention
▪️ What is microbiome ?
▪️Intolerances and allergies
▪️ Diabetes
▪️ Osteoporosis
▪️ Anorexia nervosa and Boulimia
🔹 The quest of individualization
▪️ Periodization
▪️ My own Nutritional assessment
▫️Duration : 10 hours – Start in July 2023